With SuperGaminator you can bookmark your favourite games on a favourites list. If you like a game you can add it to your favourites at the click of a mouse. Use it to access your favourite games at any time.

That's how you add a game to your favourites list:

  • Once you open a game you can view a heart next to the game. By clicking the heart you will add this game to your favourites list. If the heart is yellow the game has already been added to your favourites list.

You find your favourites list in your user overview. Click the user symbol in the top right corner of the screen and then "Overview" after logging in.  On the right side a list of your favourite games will be displayed under "Favourites".

That is how you remove a game from your favourites list:

  • Click on the heart next to the game - once the heart has turned grey it is no longer on your favourites list.